Possible Sound Glitch Bug?

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Possible Sound Glitch Bug?

Post by IJBall »

Anyone else having this issue?:

I'm pretty sure that one of my combat sound effects noise isn't working properly - instead of getting a sound effect like a 'clink' or the sound of a blade going into something, I'm getting the more usual "crackle" sound effect that you get when digital sounds don't work.

I'm not sure, but I think the offending sound effects is one of the ones that sounds when you actually strike your target.

If it matters, I'm playing a Fighter with Swords. My system is a MacBook with 2.4 GHz, Mac OS 10.5.8, and 4 MB of RAM.
(Note: I have not tried Restarting my system yet - I may give that a shot to see if it fixes the problem.)

So, anyone else having this issue? Is there a quick fix like Restarting?
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Re: Possible Sound Glitch Bug?

Post by BasiliskWrangler »

Is your sound effects level particularly low, or even at 0%?

If so, try turning it up just to 5% and see if the crackle stops.
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Re: Possible Sound Glitch Bug?

Post by IJBall »

BasiliskWrangler wrote:Is your sound effects level particularly low, or even at 0%?

If so, try turning it up just to 5% and see if the crackle stops.
Do you mean the sound level for the whole system/computer? If so, no - I've got it set at about 60% right now.

I should note that Book II has defaulted my sound driver to "FreeAudio". I should also note that all other sounds & music play properly AFAICT - it's just this one combat sound effect that's rendered as a "crackle".

I haven't tried Restarting yet (I've gotten sidetracked one something else...), nor have I tried switching the audio driver. I'll try those in order, and get back to you to let you know if they've made a difference...
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Re: Possible Sound Glitch Bug?

Post by ihateregistering »

other sound issue moved to its own thread
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Re: Possible Sound Glitch Bug?

Post by IJBall »

OK, sorry it's taken me more than a day to follow-up - I had to get in the last of my grades for the semester first!

Anyway, I tried restarting - it does not solve the "combat crackle" sound issue.

I then tried playing around with the other sound settings in Book II - 'combat crackle' still happens with 'FreeAudio CoreAudio'.

With any of the OpenAL audio settings, I start having other issues like the music only partially playing (just the drumline?!...) and the ambient sounds disappearing.

So, I'm down to - this is a real issue, but it looks like it's confined to one single combat sound.

Is there a folder somewhere in which the individual sound files are stored? If so, I can look at the sound files individually and see if I can find the offending one...
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Re: Possible Sound Glitch Bug?

Post by BasiliskWrangler »

All the sound files are packed away, but they are all the same format.

You certainly have some oddities going on there. Are you fully up-to-date with your system drivers?

Do you have any other application running when you try to play the game?
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Re: Possible Sound Glitch Bug?

Post by IJBall »

BasiliskWrangler wrote:You certainly have some oddities going on there. Are you fully up-to-date with your system drivers?
Should be - I run Software Update regularly (just ran it the other day, in fact).
BasiliskWrangler wrote:Do you have any other application running when you try to play the game?
Actually, yes - I always leave Mail & Firefox open (but usually hidden) on my computer... You think Firefox could be an issue? I'll try quitting it, and see if it fixes the glitch. I'll report back later...
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Re: Possible Sound Glitch Bug?

Post by IJBall »

OK, I further tested this - neither Firefox nor Mail running in the background seems to be important to this: I've run Book II immediately after restarting without firing up either one of these apps and I still get the one "crackle-y" combat sound effect roughly every other time I "hit" for damage during combat. (I think it sometimes crops up when mobs hit me as well...)

As best I can tell, with my Book II, one of the individual combat sound files is either damaged or corrupted (could this have happened during download?...).

As I'm the only one talking about this, it must be happening with just my Book II, so maybe it's just a slightly bad download on my end, and not a more general "bug" (though if BW can, he might want to double-check the sound FX files for combat just to make sure they're OK).

I'll report back if I still get this "bug" whenever v.1.04 is released and I download that...
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Re: Possible Sound Glitch Bug?

Post by Kreador Freeaxe »

IJBall, is the sound kind of a static-pop? I got that wandering around Westwillow. An intermittent sound like a static discharge through the speakers. In my case, it wasn't linked to any particular combat action, it was just standing around in Westwillow.

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Re: Possible Sound Glitch Bug?

Post by IJBall »

Kreador Freeaxe wrote:IJBall, is the sound kind of a static-pop? I got that wandering around Westwillow. An intermittent sound like a static discharge through the speakers. In my case, it wasn't linked to any particular combat action, it was just standing around in Westwillow.
Kind of, yeah - it's a sound I've heard before: it's the "crackle" sound you get in sound files when they're corrupted (in a spot in the file).

But, like I said - with me, I only hear it in combat when either I make contact for damage, or sometimes when mobs make contact for damage, which leads to a certain specific combat sound effect being played. I'm not getting it just from walking around like you are.

In both our cases, I suspect there's a single corrupted sound file in there somewhere that's causing this...
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