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Eschalon: Book II Walkthrough

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 4:46 pm
by Vroqren
Eschalon: Book II Walkthrough

Warning: This guide is full of spoilers! Reading this will likely ruin the game. Unless you're stuck! That's kind of it's purpose.
This is not the only way to beat the game, but kind of like a list of the most important things you need to do, as well as solutions to puzzles. If you wish for another tutorial on a specific area, PM me and I’ll see what I can do.

This guide contains:
-Main Quest
X. World Map
1. Going to Darus
2. Onward To Port Kuudad
3. Preparing for Hammerlorne
4. The Crux of Fire
5. Preparing for the Endgame
6. Amireth and Talushorn

-Side Quests
A Den of Dragonels
To Hunt an Assassin
A Favor for Wendy
A Missing Disciple
Secrets of the Deep
The Curse of the Prospector
News About Yoma Narrows
The Lycanthrope
To Save a Child's Life
In the Belly of a Beetle
A Weed in the Bath House
Adamantium Ore Else
Shortest Quest, Ever
Spiders in the Warehouse
Quest of the Snow Pup from Shebara
Escape from Fathamurk!

1. The Wonders of Bronze
2. The Cerulescent Bell
3. The Virescent Bell
4. The Lutescent Bell
5. The Rubescent Bell
6. The Basement Archives

Main Quest
X. World Map
Here is a world map for you throughout your journey.

1. Eastwillow
What to expect: Catacomb Rats (9 HP, 10 XP, Melee), Crimson Dragonel (17 HP, 25 XP, Melee), Black Mold (25 HP, 40 XP, Ranged)
The game begins in your home in Mistfell - When you head out of your house (to the north), you'll find a letter from a mysterious person name Darus. He can be found in Eastwillow, the nearby city. You will get there if you head up the path to the north-west. Following the same path south-east will bring you to a dead end where you can pick up a very simple side quest. Eastwillow is a pretty small town, but there’s a surprising amount of things to do. You retrieve a sword for the blacksmith, find a lost disciple in the well, or even help a distraught woman find her brother. A full list of the side quests is further down in the walkthrough.
Ultimately, you’ll want to make your way to the inn, and talk with Jarvik - he’ll direct you down the hall where you can meet with the Darus. The conversation you have with him is pretty significant, but the dialogue you choose has no effect on the outcome. While Darus is telling his riveting story he is assassinated! You can choose to try to hunt down his assassin (a very noble thing to do considering you knew him for all of three minutes) if you’d like. I usually choose to, ‘cause hey - free experience. You also need to take the Looking Glass off of his person to proceed. You can show it to any number of people in town, but the only one who will give you anything concrete is Eleanise, the magic shop owner. She tells you to bring it to her dad, who lives across the dam.
When you’re ready, head to the far west side of the region west of Eastwillow. You’ll encounter several Black Molds on the way. Eventually you’ll reach Minus’s home, and he can give you a little more direction with that looking glass, telling you to visit Saint Gilhelm in Port Kuudad. He also offers an interesting side quest if you ask about Westwillow.
You’ve done what you need to here in Eastwillow, though I strongly suggest doing one last thing: Speak with Wendy near the chapel, and complete her side quest “A Favor for Wendy.” It will take you to the region east of Eastwillow, where you’ll head to the far north-eastern side. Aside from Ruel’s dead body, you’ll find an interesting puzzle with some important rewards later on. See the side quests section for more details. Additionally, while at his house you may want to quickly jump into the region to the north and unlock quick travel to the Farrock Monolith.

2. Onward To Port Kuudad
What to expect: Outlanders (30 HP, 50 XP, Melee), Red Wolves (45 HP, 100 XP, Melee), Bonebiters (35 HP, 60 XP Melee), possibly Goliath Boreheads (130 HP, 300 XP, Melee + Stun), Mire Trolls (120 HP, 250 XP, Melee + Regen)
The next town after Eastwillow is Everdale. Despite having a lycanthrope and a treasure map, it’s a pretty boring place. See the side quests section for more info. We should pass through it though, even if we don’t stay for long. So. From Eastwillow, head west one region into Greenriven Lake. From there you’ll go north one region into Wester Kessian Basin, and then you can go east two regions - through Wolfenwood into Central Farrock Range. Congratulations, you made it to Everdale!
I know of four ways to get into Port Kuudad. Before you start heading there, perhaps you should decide which option to take. When you get to the gate the guards will request to see your Citizen’s Writ - which you don’t have. Your options are:
1: Bribe the guards. They want 2,000 gold. Not easy to get early in the game, but a simple way to get into the city.
2: Pull the level yourself. Whether you fight the guards or simply drink an invisibility potion, the lever does work.
3: Obtain a Citizen’s Writ - there are two in a ruined city named Broken Blade. If you want to go there, you’ll have to fight or evade Goliath Boreheads, which move slowly, hit hard, and have a ranged stun ability. To get there from Everdale, go north one region, and follow the river on its west side. Cross to the region to your west, called “Eastern Fellpine Forest.” From here you can take either of two paths to broken blade - The first is to follow the river to the second bridge, cross, and head north through the woods (you’ll need to go one region further north). The second would be to cross the river at the first bridge, and turn right around, heading east again. Cross the region to the east, then cross to the north shortly thereafter. That will put you in “Mistfell Northern Coast,” where you should find a path heading west into the woods. Following that will bring you into the region of Broken Blade. The easier citizen’s writ in in the house south of the center of town. You can either pick the lock on the front door, or use a powder keg (there are some in the region to your south) to blow up the debris in the back. The second citizen’s writ is in Sparrow’s home. We’ll learn more about her later.
4: You can enter Port Kuudad through the sewers, everyone’s favorite place! To get to the sewers, you must walk through the Farrock Caves, accessible either from the Farrock Monolith or behind the Everdale’s Inn. Walking through the cave you will find a small river on the north eastern side - following this outside is the only way across the river into the areas you need to get to. Head north one region, and as Far East as you can - you’ll find a broken fence and an entrance to the sewers! Once in the sewers there aren’t really any wrong paths you can take. Heading generally north you’ll find a staircase up to Port Kuudad! Also of note in these sewers (a little west of the staircase into town) is a locked door leading to a room with a bunch of empty chests and signs on the wall. This is the Thieve’s Arcadia, see the Side Quests section for more details.
Once you’ve entered the city, the quicktravel marker is east of the city gate, around the big city hall looking building. Saint Gilhelm can be found in Lockston Hall, which is yet further east, kind of north-east of the city proper. Speaking with him reveals yet more information about the Looking Glass, and continues your quest onward. The region north of you is called “The Forsaken Coast,” and is filled with Mire Trolls - They’re pretty strong, and can regenerate hit points, but it’s possible to get to the Crius Vindica without fighting them. In the northeastern corner of that region is an intractable rock - clicking on it will bring you down into their hideout. If you can’t find the hideout, conveniently, right clicking on the looking glass will create lines pointing to the rock. Also note that you will need the looking glass in your inventory to get into the hideout - without it you will be trapped in the hallway. With no exit. After speaking with Koren and Erubor you’ll learn a lot about your identity, as well as the quest on which you’ve embarked.

3. Preparing for Hammerlorne
What to expect: Outlanders (30 HP, 50 XP, Melee), Phase Hunter (50 HP, 125 XP, Melee), Goliath Boreheads (130 HP, 300 XP, Melee + Stun), Shadow Assassins (70 HP, 250 XP, Ranged), Snow Wolves (80 HP, 160 XP, Melee)
Korren tells you that you need the Crux of Fire, which is located in the Dwarven Mine Hammerlorne. Unfortunately, Hammerlorne is... pretty well protected, as one might expect. I think this is a good time to go back and do a lot of side quests, get some experience and rock some socks. But if you want to jump straight on with the story, skip the next paragraph and list.
There are a number of challenges you may now be fit for, most of which are side quests. Every item in the following list has more information in the bottom of the walkthrough under the side quests or bonus areas sections.
Also, the list feature works very differently in BBCode than in HTML - if anyone can help me out... PM me.
•The Lycanthrope
•In the Belly of a Beetle
•To Save a Child's Life
•A Weed in the Bath House
•Adamantium Ore Else
•Shortest Quest, Ever
•The Wonders of Bronze
•Spiders in the Warehouse
•To Hunt an Assassin
Great! Now that you're a way more powerful [insert class/build of choice here], we're ready to roll! There are a few things that you need to do before you can get to Hammerlorne. You'll need to get through the door, and as Korren mentioned, you can speak with someone named Sparrow about that. She lives in Broken Blade, unfortunately, she has a pretty week mind, and isn't completely herself. If you kill her, you will get her key. Alternatively, there is a key in the Dwarven village next to Hammerlorne, or if you may pick the lock to get in. Lock Melt level 6 will also work.
You should probably have a citizen's writ with you, though it is possible to do without, it just involves a lot more fighting. As a side note, I usually make two trips out of Hammerlorne with all the loot, so you may want to leave behind things you don't need.
Hammerlorne lies in the continent of Nor'Land. The only way onto Nor'Land is through Raven's Gate. Raven's gate is found four regions straight west from Port Kuudad - You pass through Northwest Kessian Basin, Eastern Fellpine Forest, and Fellpine Forest. Then, at the far west side of the region named Raven's Gate East Entrance you'll find what you're looking for. Walking through the tunnel will bring you into Nor'Land. You may choose to ride with the caravan, or walk. The city of Durnore lies one region north, and two regions west of the exit to Raven's Gate. This frozen wasteland has quite a few wolves, and very little of anything else. Explore it if you wish. There's a little bit to do in Durnore, and it's got the highest tier equipment sold thus far in the game. If you'd like the Hammerlorne key from here, it can be found behind the locked door in the back of the city hall (east side of the village). When you're ready, head to the region west of Durnore, and around the mountain. There's a side entrance (which your key will work on) on the south-western side of the mountain (in the north-western part of the region).

4. The Crux of Fire
What to expect: Dwarven Miner (170 HP, 180 XP, Melee), Dwarven Spirit (80 HP, 120 XP, Melee, can only be damaged with enchanted weapons, blessed attacks, or magic attacks.), Bonebiter (35 HP, 60 XP, Melee), Sentinel Stalk (220 HP, 125 XP, Ranged), Phase Hunter (50 HP, 125 XP, Melee), Skeleton Marauder (100 HP, 125 XP, Melee), Skeletal Archer (80 HP, 100 XP, Ranged), Devilmander (100 HP, 220 XP, Melee)
Hammerlorne consists of essentially 4 levels, though the first one is called Hammerlorne Grand Hall, so it doesn't quite count. You may do each level however you want, they're all pretty straightforward. I'll give you the way I run through them (which might not be the fastest, but it's definitely tried and true).
Hammerlorne Grand Hall
I work this level in a clockwork manner - from the entrance head up and to the right, exploring rooms and dealing with dwarves as you'd like. At the top of the region is a dining hall, and heading down and right from there leads to a bedroom and a well. Further down and to the right is a rat infested storage room. Heading left from there will lead to the grand dining hall, with lots of dwarves and some traps. There's nothing of value down the long entrance hallway to the right, but it's obviously where the sealed doorway from outside leads. Continue down and left, there's another bedroom, and the hallway eventually connects to where you entered. In the middle of the region is a hallway that ends in a room with portals. Going through those will take you to Hammerlorne Mine, Level 1, but the trip is one way, so be sure you're ready!
Hammerlorne Mine, Level 1
This level is split into two parts. The first is a simple maze. I'll give instructions for every intersection. From where you teleport in, go up and right. Turn down and right. Then go up and right again. At the corner turn with the hallway, up and left. At the weird three-way intersection, go down and left. Turn up and left into the first room, then go through the doorway in the upper-right wall. Go down and left past the open hallway, past the gated room, and into the room with the level. Flip it. Reverse these steps if you need to in order to get back to the doorway you passed near the beginning, which is now open. Follow this hallway into the room above the door. Exit into the other room, and then go through the hallway. The first door is trapped, with nothing behind it. There's some powder-keg accessible loot behind the second door, which is also trapped. The third and final door leads us forward. Follow the path up and to the right to get to the three big rooms, Head through them, noting that there are phase hunters in the third room. The exit is in the far right corner.
Part two is a riddle. Well, not really. But it's a trap that definitely caught me off guard the first time. You are given the option of two portals, with the warning that one leads to certain death and the other gives a chance at survival. The truth is, Basilisk Games isn't that mean, and both are survivable. If you take the bottom left portal you will be teleported into a region that is described as "rarely visited", littered with bones. People don't leave this place. If you've entered here and saved (as I did) fear not, there is a way out! From the room you teleported into, head up and to the right, then down and to the left. The bottom left wall from here is fake, and walking through it will lead you to a portal that takes you to the same place as the original upper-right portal. A room full of sentinel stalks! How lovely. You'll probably want to run straight to the exit in the right corner of the room, and I find haste helps me do that. In some builds with less health I had to reload and try my toHit chances several times to get to that exit. If you'd like, there is some loot in this room, as well as lots of experience from killing the stalks. I find mass boil works well. From the exit, follow the path clockwise to get to the staircase down to level 2!
Hammerlorne Mine, Level 2 - Vinhalu
This level has a lot of loot, and involves a lot of backtracking. First head straight down the middle, to the end of the region. Head down the path going east, noting that the floor is littered with traps. There's a level here. Flipping it opens the next area. Head back to the first room with the intersection. The path down and to the left is now open, and there's lots of skeletons in there. At the end of that branch is another level. Pulling that opens a gate back in the southeastern corner of the map, past the big open room. Again, note the many traps in the floor. Flipping this final lever does two things - it spawns a bunch of skeletons in the intersection room, and opens up the upper right passageway from there. Down this hall there's some powder kegs to the right, and some bonus loot (beyond explodable walls) to the left. At the end of this hallway are the stairs down to level 3.
Hammerlorne Mine, Level 3
At the first intersection you're given three options: Up and to the left is loot, loot, and more loot. Down and to the right is like a dining room. Some loot. If you go straight down the hallway you’ll come to the exit portal - it will bring you back to the entrance hall. Past that is a locked door. Beyond the locked door is a room with a Devilmander pit, Devilmanders included! There are maybe seven or eight in there with no way to back out. Whether you want to kill them or sneak past them, in the bottom right corner of the room is a lever. Pulling that opens gates in the top left corner of the room, revealing… another lever! Pulling that will grant you access to a lever in the top right, which in turn gives you access to the lever outside the devilmander pit room, where you came in. Pulling this level will let you move freely forward or back out of this room.
Beyond this room is a hallway with some weird beams over it. Past those there is one strip of floor colored differently from the others. Each tile here is a trap. Starting from the right and moving down, the traps are Wicked Sunrise, Thieve’s Surprise, Wicked Sunrise, Thieve’s Surprise, Wicked Sunrise, Wicked Sunrise. Beyond those traps the mine opens up into an actual mine, with rocks and stuff. The side paths have some loot, though not much. Straight ahead is a lever and a gate. Beyond those, go down and to the right, but take the first path up and to the right. This leads to a portal. Beyond that is none other than the Crux of Fire. Removing it from its pedestal causes an alarm to go off, which spawns four dwarves when you go back through the portal. Beyond that you should encounter no resistance to taking this priceless gemstone. There’s a lever that will reopen the gate in the northern part of the cave. Bring the gemstone back to Korren for more instructions!

5. Preparing for the Endgame
What to expect: Mortikus (150 HP, 500 XP, Melee, inflicts diseases), Vaxia (150 HP, 500 XP, Magic), Rift Harpy (110 HP, 400 XP, Melee + Range), Taurus Scout (200 HP, 350 XP, Melee)
Korren will tell you lots of stuff. Basically he sends you on a suicide mission, straight into the lair of the beast, with the exact rock he’s been looking for for a while. Sure, why not. If you speak with Erubor he’ll also suggest that you go to Lorewitch and ask for help. Before I head to Amireth, and subsequently Talushorn, this is usually where I like to do lots of bonus areas, such as Westwillow and Fathamurk. More info can be found on Westwillow down below under bonus areas > bells. For the rest of this section I’ll cover how to get through Lorewitch, and then how to get to Amireth - skip to the last paragraph is you don’t want to go through Lorewitch.
Lorewitch is a fun magician’s tower puzzle much like Shadowmirk from Book I. It’s located in the region west of Port Kuudad named Northwest Kessian Basin. I find it’s easiest to get to by traveling to Broken Blade and heading south east out of town. The first floor has a clever lever puzzle, and a dimensional eye named Mortikus. Please refer to the image below for the lever puzzle: The blue numbers represent levers, and the red numbers represent portcullises. Each lever toggles several portcullises, as follows:

Code: Select all

Lever 1 : Portcullises 1, 2, 5, 7
Lever 2 : Portcullises 3, 4
Lever 3 : Portcullises 5, 8, 9
Lever 4 : Portcullises 6, 8
You can try to figure it out on your own, but if you don’t want to, here’s the sequence you need to flip the levers: 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 1. Alternatively placing powder kegs under the open portcullises makes the puzzle much quicker if you don’t know what you’re doing. Beyond this is our friend Mortikus. He attacks with melee, but his attacks (as well as his death) have a chance to give you diseases, so killing him from a distance is worth considering. He drops a turquoise key, which is admittedly optional, as the door at the end of the hall can also be picked.
Lorewitch level two has another maze, this one much smaller. There’s another dimensional eye (Vaxia) in the middle of the maze, and basically everything else you want is in the corners. In the top corner is a lever and a trapped chest with random loot. The same is true of the bottom corner. Along the lower left wall, south of the left corner is another trapped chest, with the Virescent bell in it. The staircase up is in the leftmost corner. The final level of Lorewitch has many Acolytes who won’t attack you unless you steal of attack first, as well as Charma. If you’re on grand from Erubor, she’ll trade you the chalice for a magical wand. This thing basically does a boatload of damage but only has eight charges. Useful for bosses. Also, it can be exploited and used with the Unarmed Combat skill feat to deal 4x extra damage. Before you leave, be sure to steal Emberdark - my favorite weapon in the Eschalon series.
To get the Amireth, head first to Raven’s Gate. The region south of here is called Yoma River Headwater. Here you’ll just avoid or kill some wolves and keep heading south. This will bring you to Eastern Sylphwood Forest, where you’ll have to break some barrels and kill (or run past) a taurax, but other than that this region is pretty boring. One more region south is Northern Harpoon Bay where you get to evade or fight off a bunch of rift harpies, and admire some cool cliffs. There’s only two places the path can take you - if you go to far to the left you’ll find some devilmanders and loot. Otherwise you end up in the tiny town of Eden, population: Ben. Ben will take you to Picaroon Isle when you’re ready. Note that it costs 350 gold to get there (no avoiding it) and 400 to get back.

6. Amireth and Talushorn
What to expect: Taurax Scout (200 HP, 350 XP, Melee), Taurax Spearmaster (225 HP, 375 XP, Ranged), Taurax Legionnaire (250 HP, 450 XP, Melee), Pyrus Dragonel (60 HP, 100 XP, Melee), Brimstone Spider (150 HP, 180 XP, Melee and Ranged Fire)
Picaroon Isle has just one side quest, and Amireth (aside form Talushorn) is not too much more interesting. There’s some fiery spiders, and a couple of named weapons. You can get to Amireth by going around the back of the town in picaroon isle - in the south-eastern corner I an exit to another region. The region west of Picaroon Isle is the Brimstone Lava Fields. Along the west coast is some loot, up the western lava flow is the inside of a volcano with a sick nasty spear and some other loot. Inside the eastern lava flow is the spider’s nest which can be destroyed for our friend back in Picaroon Isle. South of this region, there are four explorable regions of Amireth. From top left (as you would read a book) they are: Thundersun Grazelands, Ghar-gha River, Southern Thundersun Grazeland, Talushorn. There’s plenty of Taurax to kill in these regions, and there’s a quick-travel marker right in front of Talushorn (the stronghold) in Talushorn (the region). Take however much or little time you would like getting to Talushorn, in the fourth-eastern corner of its region. The stronghold is guarded out front by three Legionaires and six Spearmen.
The first level of Talushorn will not lock you in. In the right corner of the first room is a lever which unlocks the gate moving forward. Stepping beyond the gate will close it behind you, but you can re-enter the tile with the pressure plate to reopen it. Past the trophy (or I guess burial?) room is a salt lick and a couple of Scouts, nothing too serious. On the north eastern wall of this room are some thrones with a lever that must be pulled. There’s some loot and a Legionnaire down the hall in the right corner. On the left side of the room with the salt lick there are two passages. The upper one takes you to a lever which opens the second one to a staircase up!
Your first view of the second floor is a large gladiator cage - taurax fighting spiders for fun. Down the path to the right is an entrance to the arena if you wish to join them. Following the hall up and to the left will lead you to a room with some explosives and a couple of Scouts. You’ll probably want to grab one of those explosives for a little later. In the sewer-esque room you can go up and to the right, or down and to the right. The latter of those two offers a Scout and a nice view of the arena, but nothing more for now. Following the other pathway will lead you to a room where Spearmen practice their aim - at targets, and at adventurers who find their way up here. You can blow up the fence that they hide behind with your powder keg. Beyond this room is a three-way intersection. Up and to the left is a nice shortcut for later. Straight through (down and to the left) is some loot and another entrance to the arena. Down and to the right is another viewing area with a Scout, and… a weird jail cell? Inside is a kind of shriveled gross looking guy. Surprise, it’s an Orakur! Or, Orator, if your autocorrect is as bad as mine. Speaking with him reveals some interesting things about your quest. When you’re done, he dies, and two Spearmen and a Legionnaire spawn just south of the cell. Down the path in the bottom right is a large portcullis, which can be opened by the lever. Beyond that are two paths, one down and to the left has a Spearman and two Legionnaires, and some loot. Up and to the right is another Spearman and Legionnaire, and a little more loot. The path leads to the next set of stairs.
The first thing on the third floor is a lever puzzle, but not one as bad Lorewitch. Look at the image on the wall (seen below):
I've rotated the original image 90 degrees. In your head, rotate it another 45 degrees clockwise so that the arrow points to the exit of the room. The black lines represent the levers that must be flipped. The three red dots are the ones that stay the same. So flip every lever except the top one on the far row, and the second and fourth ones on the close row. Once you’ve flipped all the correct ones, stand on the pressure plate in the middle. You only get one chance at these levers to get through the portcullis. If you fail you fight just some Pyrus Dragonels and then flip a lever at the end of the passageway found in the western corner of the room. Beyond this room is another intersection. The path down and to the right leads to three Scouts and a Legionnaire, and quite a bit of loot. The path up and to the left leads to a room with some pots, followed by a room with two Scouts. There’s a little bottleneck between these rooms - note that as soon as you step into the last tile of that bottleneck two Spearmen will spawn in behind you, cutting off your retreat. For this reason, it may be wise to lure the Scouts out of their room and deal with them first, before moving into their room, to fight the Spearmen. In this room there are three chests, the center of which is trapped with Yara’s Vengeance. From here, there’s yet another intersection. The path down and to the right leads to the next staircase, but it’s beyond a door with a level 10 lock. Feel free to pick or melt that if you can, but the key can be found in the pathway up and to the left. There’s a Scout and a Legionnaire in there, and the Legionnaire drops what you’re looking for.
The final floor of Talushorn is very straightforward. You can leave the tower at any point until you pass the portcullises at the end of this hallway. From here there’s no turning back - fortunately, the only thing you have left is a boss fight. To the left and right are some strange machines - you might recognize these from Fathamurk, but unlike those ones, you can’t simply place Candecium in them to get them to active. Instead, just break them! They have basically no health, so punching them works, but it might also be fun to go completely overkill and destroy it with a mystic hammer…. The left path has a tiny bit of loot, and the right path is your entrance into General Ghorr’s chamber. Again, entering the chamber is final. The room has lava on the floor, and side rooms to the north and the west. These rooms have a little bit of loot, but they also have a Legionnaire and two Spearmen each. Ghorr is immune to damage from the lava, but his cohorts are not. Deal with them all however you would like, but I suggest dealing with the Spearmen first, as everything else can be outrun. Ghorr drops a key into the room beyond, but alternatively, this lock can be picked. It’s level 10, which makes it difficult, but it can be done with high enough pick locks and/or dexterity. In the final chamber use your looking glass to call Korren to you. You have some interesting dialogue, but your discussion choices do not affect the end of the game. Alternatively, you may choose to kill Korren rather than speak with him at all - he’s more difficult than Ghorr. Either way, The One shows up and you have a nice cutscene to finish the game. Congratulations, you’ve beat Eschalon: Book II!

Side Quests
A Den of Dragonels
East of your home in Eastwillow is a small farm - the owner, Anwick, wants you to destroy the dragonel’s nest. It can be found in the region east of Eastwillow, and I usually just punch the tar out of it. Occasionally when you damage it a dragonel will emerge. Complete the quest by bringing him the piece left over when it breaks!
Keebo wants you to get a sword back. You can ask around about it, but ultimately, I usually just go and steal it from him. He lives just north east of town.
A Favor for Wendy
Wendy wants you to check on her brother. He lives in the north-eastern corner of the region east of Eastwillow. He’s dead by the way. When you find that out you can go tell Wendy. And if you want, that’s all there is too that quest. See the Bells section of this guide for more information regarding this storyline.
A Missing Disciple
Father Tyrus needs you to find his missing disciple. If you walk through the cathedral in Eastwillow there is a well that you can enter - the well is pretty straightforward and he can be found near the back. Turns out he’s gone crazy, and you have to kill him (or run away from him).
News About Yoma Narrows
In the region south of Eastwillow there’s a single dude who’s super concerned about the Taurax that he saw. All you have to do is tell the head honcho in Port Kuudad, named Edwin. He can be found on the west side of the town, just south of the big blocked off staircase.
The Lycanthrope
Two regions west of Everdale is a man who looks like a blue Outlander. His name is Xed, and he tells you that the magic shop owner in Everdale, Harpen, is a Lycnathrope. He wants you to kill him and bring him his ring. If you speak with the shop owner, he tells you that Xed, is in fact, the werwolf, and that you should kill him and bring his ring back. Believing Xed yields 400 gold and 600 experience. Believing Harpen yields 500 of each. Harpen, is in fact the werwolf, but killing him means no more magic shop. If you want to kill him, it may be wise to wait until you’ve got access to Port Kuudad’s magic shop.
To Save a Child's Life
One region west of Everdale is a path that leads up into the woods - a man has been attacked by wolves, and is clearly about to die. He has a noble quest - deliver a healing elixir to a little boy in Port Kuudad. Unlike the healing elixir in Book I, this one will actually heal you or the kid you give it to. It will also sell well. The child and his mother live in the northern part of town, just above the magic shop. If you complain about her reward you will also get two recipes.
In the Belly of a Beetle
In the region west of Everdale there is a narrow path heading north into the woods that is signaled by a bucket. Following this path leads you to a ranger’s outpost, and Hunter will ask you to retrieve a large piece of petrified wood for him. The item is obtained as a drop from one of the Goliath Boreheads, specifically in the region south-west of Broken Blade.
A Weed in the Bath House
It’s a sentinel stalk. It’s in the same region as Everdale, just on the east side of the region. Kill it.
Adamantium Ore Else
If you go through the inn in Everdale the path takes you into the Farrock Caves. Heading into the caves you’ll face some Phase Hunters, and find the ore in a bag on the ground.
Shortest Quest, Ever
There are two melee equipment shops in Port Kuudad. The one on the east side of town is owned by Big Sal, and he asks you to tell the alchemist who lives south-west of him his recipe for hardening armor.
Magi Surami in the chapel in north-western Port Kuudad wants you to kill all of the Goliath Boreheads. They are spread across four regions: Broken Blade, the one east of it (Mistfell Northern Coast), the one south of Broken Blade (Eastern Fellpine Forest), and the one west of that (Fellpine Forest).
Spiders in the Warehouse
Edwin in Port Kuudad wants you to kill a bunch of spiders. The warehouse can be found on the south-east side of town. Once you enter the warehouse you won’t be able to exit until you get to the end - though you can run past the spiders to do so, killing them is not required.
Quest of the Snow Pup from Shebara
In Durnore, the city council people want you to procure exactly one snow pup without killing the mom. Taking more than one, or killing the mom causes a huge snow wolf invasion of Durnore, which could be considered a pretty fun challenge. The den is in the south-western corner of the Western Hellice Lake region. It is one region west of the Raven’s Gate Exit, or one region east and one region south of Durnore.
On Picaroon Isle, the melee equipment seller wants you to take care of the spider problem. In the region east of him, on the north eastern side there is a lava flow that leads a little ways into the mountain. The spider’s nest is there, and it can be destroyed by whacking it repeatedly.
To Hunt an Assassin
Poor Darus was killed - we don’t know why, and we don’t really know who. But we’re determined to avenge him, even though we knew him for about 45 seconds.
In the north-western corner of the Port Kuudad sewers is a well kept room with a lever and four chests. The sewers are accessible from the far eastern side of town, pretty far south. Each of these four chests has a sign above them. See the following spoilers:
”Where hammer and strength fails, may I succeed with delicate finesse. I can grant thee kingly access if only you would get to know me.”
A lock pick must be placed in this chest.
”I swim in the seas and crawl through the rocks. I am the preserver of flesh and the spice of life.”
A bag of salt must be placed in this chest.
”A candescent drop upon an ivory tower.”
A candle must be placed in this chest.
”I am a tool of absolute power. In the hand of the knowledgeable I help forge laws, proclaim wars, craft worlds, and keep history.”
A quill and inkwell must be placed in this chest.
Once you have placed each of the items in their chests, flip the lever to reveal a staircase down into the Thieves’ Arcadia. There are plenty of traps in here, as well as locks. Also note that the Shadow Assassins attack with range, and almost always spawn in response to you crossing a threshold. The man you’re looking for is named Zeblin, and he can be found in the bottom right corner of the map. You may choose to fight him and get the experience for finishing the quest, or, alternatively, he offers to train you in lock picking, move silently, and hide in shadows. Also note that one of the four bells discussed in the next section is located in the main loot room here. The aforementioned loot room is in the top right corner of the region, and has three chests and a desk. On the desk is a piece of paper with all three pins, but they are: 6613, 5236, and 1799.
Secrets of the Deep
Minus lives west of Eastwillow, and west of the Westwillow dam. He’ll give you some info about Westwillow, and a specific thing to say to the dwarf who is in charge there. Saying it completes this quest, and you can convince the dwarf to let you into Westwillow.
The Curse of the Prospector
Inside of Westwillow you’ll encounter lots and lots of undead. In the top left corner of the main region is the man who once was the mayor of Westwillow. He asks you to kill the prospector, who lives in the southern part of Westwillow. He’ll spawn skeletons to fight for him during the fight, but other than that is not too different from any other boss. Killing him will give you a key that will let you in on some loot. You can finish the quest by returning to the mayor and telling him of your great accomplishment. Also of note while you’re in Westwillow - in the far south-eastern corner of the region is a named weapon, and if you climb the ladder you end up on a small island where you can get one of the four bells discussed in the next section.

The Wonders of Bronze
Wendy’s brother Ruel has an interesting plaque on his wall, above a magic portal. It reads “Harder than Bronze, and redder in hue, the wonders of Bronze are known to few.” Or something like that. The portal will do nothing unless the player is wearing bronze armor in the following five slots: head, chest, legs, gloves, boots. This includes leather items studded with bronze, or bronze chainmail, or bronze plate. After this, it will teleport your character into Ruel’s loot room, where, among other things you’ll find a book about the Orakur. “Orakur: of Fact and Fiction.” It can be sold. You can show it to Wendy, who will throw a fit. But the best use for this book is to give it to Saint Gilhelm in Port Kuudad. He’ll let you go down into the basement to put it in it’s place. There’s some interesting history there, and a little bit of experience to be had, but most important, you now have access to the basement.
Cerulescent Bell
This bell can be found above the Westwillow. Right around where you fight the Prospector there is a ladder leading to a small island with a chest, containing the bell.
Virescent Bell
This bell can be found in the second level or Lorewitch (the maze). It is in a chest south of the stairs leading to level three.
Lutescent Bell
This Bell can be found in one of the combination locked chests in the Thieves’ Arcadia.
Rubescent Bell
This bell can be found in the second level of the Hammerlorne Mine. Near the exit is a wall that must be blasted open with a powder keg - this is where your bell is located.
The Basement Archives
Back in the basement of Lockston Hall there is a golden bell tree. It says that it was used for meditating when it had the bells on it. If you have all four in your inventory, you will automatically place them on it when you click on it, granting you an immediate 30,000 experience.

That’s all folks! Huge shout-out to Randomizer for his Strategy Central and Compendium of Locations, as well as all the others who helped me with this (even if they didn’t know it)!
I'm sure I made some mistakes in the process of making this, so if you find them, please PM me!
Many Thanks!

Re: Book II Walkthrough

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 5:02 pm
by Kreador Freeaxe
Nice work. One quick note: I thought it was Thieve's Arcadia, not Acadia.

Re: Book II Walkthrough

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 6:07 pm
by Vroqren
Kreador Freeaxe wrote:Nice work. One quick note: I thought it was Thieve's Arcadia, not Acadia.
I was trying to remember which it was, and eventually went with Acadia. I'll find out for sure, then change it accordingly. Thanks for the update!

Re: Book II Walkthrough

Posted: May 29th, 2012, 7:42 am
by Lord_P
Vroqren wrote:you’ll find Wendy’s father
Eleanise's father! (I think it's Eleanise)

Re: Book II Walkthrough

Posted: May 29th, 2012, 7:46 am
by Vroqren
Thanks - don't know how I messed that up. Again, I'll double check, then fix the walkthrough.

Re: Book II Walkthrough

Posted: June 3rd, 2012, 5:22 pm
by Vroqren
Bump - I hate to bump, and to double post, but can we get this stickied? I feel like without a sticky it will be lost in the abyss.

Re: Book II Walkthrough

Posted: June 4th, 2012, 3:11 pm
by Dragonlady
Vroqren wrote:Bump - I hate to bump, and to double post, but can we get this stickied? I feel like without a sticky it will be lost in the abyss.

I used the '!' button to alert BW. It should be fixed, ie. stickied, soon. :D

Re: Book II Walkthrough

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 7:14 pm
by mwindsong
OK, I'm totally stuck. In Fathamurk, I keep getting killed by the first portcullis. I tried blowing up a powder keg in front of it and under it. I tried smashing a powder keg with my sword under the portcullis, which made it blow up. I tried a level 3 Trapkill to no effect. I just keep getting killed. Help please...

Re: Book II Walkthrough

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 8:14 pm
by IJBall
mwindsong wrote:OK, I'm totally stuck. In Fathamurk, I keep getting killed by the first portcullis. I tried blowing up a powder keg in front of it and under it. I tried smashing a powder keg with my sword under the portcullis, which made it blow up. I tried a level 3 Trapkill to no effect. I just keep getting killed. Help please...
Odd... putting the powder keg directly under the portcullis, and then closing the portcullis, should have worked.

Give it a try again...

Re: Book II Walkthrough

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 8:30 pm
by Kreador Freeaxe
mwindsong wrote:OK, I'm totally stuck. In Fathamurk, I keep getting killed by the first portcullis. I tried blowing up a powder keg in front of it and under it. I tried smashing a powder keg with my sword under the portcullis, which made it blow up. I tried a level 3 Trapkill to no effect. I just keep getting killed. Help please...
IJ Ball explained your problem. You have to close the portcullis on the barrel, and that blows the portcullis up. You can't use any other technique to blow up the barrel and have any effect on the portcullis.

Re: Book II Walkthrough

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 8:37 pm
by Vroqren
Sounds like I should probably write a Walkthrough specificallyy for Fathamurk. Do you guys think I should write an entirely seperate Walkthrough, or just add it on to this Walkthrough?

Re: Book II Walkthrough

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 9:13 pm
by mwindsong
THANK you guys! I didn't see anywhere that the portcullis should smash the powder keg… so, naturally I only thought to smash it with my own tools. Gads. I should be able to think past the obvious, but I'm new to the RPG thing.

Re: Book II Walkthrough

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 10:46 pm
by mwindsong
OK, having looked at the walkthrough again, I would very much like a walkthrough for just Fathamurk. I'll keep plugging away and see where I get to, but it would be really great to know there is help readily available for when I get stuck and my frustration tolerance is ebbing. (which I have to admit doesn't take real long, lol). :lol:

Re: Book II Walkthrough

Posted: February 11th, 2013, 12:04 pm
by BasiliskWrangler
mwindsong wrote:...I'll keep plugging away and see where I get to, but it would be really great to know there is help readily available for when I get stuck and my frustration tolerance is ebbing. (which I have to admit doesn't take real long, lol). :lol:
Fathamurk is particularly hard, especially for people who aren't familiar with old-school RPGs. You also need a strong, well-developed character to make it through.

Re: Book II Walkthrough

Posted: February 11th, 2013, 12:07 pm
by Kreador Freeaxe
BasiliskWrangler wrote:
mwindsong wrote:...I'll keep plugging away and see where I get to, but it would be really great to know there is help readily available for when I get stuck and my frustration tolerance is ebbing. (which I have to admit doesn't take real long, lol). :lol:
Fathamurk is particularly hard, especially for people who aren't familiar with old-school RPGs. You also need a strong, well-developed character to make it through.
Emphasis on the strong if you want to make it out with even half the loot. :)