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Wanted Mods List

Posted: February 19th, 2014, 6:41 pm
by Vroqren
Hey guys, BW has left us TONS of availability as far as modding goes. Now, I'm personally not the person for the job (i'll try it, but I don't know that I'll release anything I do), but there are those out there that are the people for the job. I have just been thinking, with all the open ends BW gave us to work with, what mods are you guys interested in seeing? I'll add them to this list of ones that I wanted to see.

•Gildmoon Repository:
Obviously there is plenty of room for expansion there. What did other people have in their vaults, that I can't get to? The pendants could go in any mod really, but I think it would be fun to have just one mod with every pendant that we don't get added in somewhere that's already in the game world.
•Fandugan expansion:
If you kill the guards north of Alundar, there is a path that leads behind Alundars room, and another that leads north, presumably the pass that everyone associates with Alundar. We can't explore it though. That leaves tons of possibility for a huge expansion.
•Barrean expansion:
From the release of Book II a few years ago, there have been many many requests for Barrea. Well, I think that the small corner of beach where poor captain Morgan resides would be an excellent candidate for a boat ride to Barrea. Just a thought though, it's up to the modder.
•Western Akaidia expansion:
You can't go any further west in Mirkland than the first region there. What's west of it?
•Rockhammer Mine expansion:
We know that this mine has been around for a while, and as it mentions, the dwarves that are mining are very, very deep. I think it would be wonderful to go loot them while they're mining, and kill of all the workers. Well, now that I type it out, it sounds like a terrible idea. It sounded better in my head though.
•Ulgolek (is that how it's spelled?) Branch:
Like BW has mentioned, he left this item without a purpose so that modders could do what they wanted with it. He said that it was originally intended to be a bow creation quest, but that he realized it could virtually be anything, so he left it open. Why not the option to do make it in to a variety of different weapon, maybe using one of the many Mithril bars found around the world? You could do something with it at the Anvil in Mirkland, or bring it to Edgar. He might be willing to teach you how to make a bow out of it! The possibilities for this mod are quite extensive.
Anyway, let me know what you think, and if there are any other mods you would really like to see.

Re: Wanted Mods List

Posted: February 19th, 2014, 7:06 pm
by SpottedShroom
I want to make a mod where you can kill Karamiklan, take his crux (and loot) and then go take on Malkur. Once you have all four Cruxes, maybe hitch a ride on the Orakur time machine to see the distant future.

Re: Wanted Mods List

Posted: February 19th, 2014, 8:56 pm
by Weird Heather
All of these look like good possibilities. Once people get going on mods, it would be nice if a few of us could coordinate our efforts to some degree; that way, we could package groups of compatible mods together. I imagine that most potential modders will wait for the official tools, but some, like me, will want to jump the gun and create mods using the modified version of the Book II unofficial editor.

As I mentioned in the unofficial editor thread, I've already started one, and it should be finished (but possibly buggy) in a day or two. Mine doesn't address any of the items on SpottedShroom's list; it adds some features to the Moonrise map and includes a small side dungeon complete with monsters, loot, puzzles, traps, and a few unique (but not necessarily useful) items.

Out of the ones on SpottedShroom's list, the ones I would like to see first are expansions of the wilderness map in the areas that were left empty (Fandugan and West Mirkland). If we had some good wilderness maps for these areas, they would provide new places for future modders to place dungeons, buildings, or other points of interest.

If a few people want to coordinate their activities, I would certainly be happy to join in the effort.

Re: Wanted Mods List

Posted: February 20th, 2014, 11:47 am
by Sinathor
These are all interesting ideas. I am definitely planning on modding like crazy. Although I'm not really interested in adding to the basic game. I would rather create seperate adventures. I have a crapton of lore written I haven't used on anything and I just might do that for an Eschalon mod.

Is there any interest in long seperate adventures?

Re: Wanted Mods List

Posted: February 20th, 2014, 2:10 pm
by severian
I got 2 whole scenarios I`ve submitted to some competitions, one with distinction in The Witcher contest, and I will certainly use it...
...provided editor will allow some scripting.

As for editor - perhaps one of Basilisks will reveal something about its functionalities ?

Re: Wanted Mods List

Posted: February 20th, 2014, 2:39 pm
by SpottedShroom
severian wrote:I got 2 whole scenarios I`ve submitted to some competitions, one with distinction in The Witcher contest, and I will certainly use it...
...provided editor will allow some scripting.

As for editor - perhaps one of Basilisks will reveal something about its functionalities ?
Scripting in the official editor should work basically the same way as it does in xolotl's editor, since the scripts are represented in the game data as plain text. See here for some info on Book II, most of which is unchanged in Book III:

The new script commands in Book III seem to be: npc_alignment (make NPCs hostile), drop_fusedkeg, alter_light (change the light level of a location), npc_interact (start a conversation), bonus_att (give attribute bonus), cond_input (enter a password), zap (does electric damage to the PC), find_secret (to implement the secret locations), no_disease (prevents corpses from having a chance to cause disease), toggle_basedecal (switches mine track orientation)

I'm hoping we might persuade BW to add some extra script commands for modders, like cond_random.

Re: Wanted Mods List

Posted: February 20th, 2014, 4:19 pm
by Weird Heather
The scripting system is quite versatile. I've played with it in Book II (although I haven't completed a mod for that game), and I'm using it extensively in the Book III mod I'm working on now. One must be careful, however. It is possible to make mistakes that cause the game to crash.

Re: Wanted Mods List

Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 12:31 am
by Farwalker
I'd love to see Fandugan added.

I had great fun sneaking around, swiping a pass, blowing up the back of Mr I'm-all-that's bedroom, and making it through to... a notice that I can't go there. Blah! :D

Was hoping there'd be a further set of shopkeepers there. Would be a good place for them.

Re: Wanted Mods List

Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 12:34 am
by Farwalker
Oh, one more wrinkle... It's possible this already exists I suppose, but if not I'd like to be able to run into Lucky again, if he survives his game with the player. That would be interesting.

Re: Wanted Mods List

Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 2:51 am
by IJBall
Vroqren wrote:Hey guys, BW has left us TONS of availability as far as modding goes...
If you're talking Mods specific to Book III, I'm not there yet.

But if you're talking Mods in general (esp. Book I & II related), I've had many ideas over the years... I should probably start to assemble a list...

Re: Wanted Mods List

Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 3:24 am
by Farwalker
A few other ideas:
  • There's a big blank area in the trees NE of the Ranger Outpost in Elderoak Forest. Assuming I'm not missing something that's there, could something be added there?
  • Creepy looking areas could have encounters added to them... like that evil looking display N end of the Valley of the Wanderer
  • What if our drunken maritime watchman actually sees something, but noone believes him - except maybe the player?
  • Saint Valor's Guiding Light would be a good landmark to launch a mod from - it's one of the few details on the map but it's not really used for anything.
  • The dwarven engineers are supposedly trying to build an expressway from Rockhammer to Moonrise. Where are they and what are they doing? Are the scouts for the new route ok? :wink:

Re: Wanted Mods List

Posted: February 23rd, 2014, 12:02 pm
by Stardragon
I'm not very good at modding games, i.e. the technical building and scripting of things. I am, however, a published writer of fiction, game designer and coder (I've been doing that for most of my life, and I've worked in the industry)... I'd be happy to help with plotting, organising, writing stuff as needed...

Just offering...

Re: Wanted Mods List

Posted: February 23rd, 2014, 1:23 pm
by IJBall
SpottedShroom wrote:
I want to make a mod where you can kill Karamiklan, take his crux (and loot) and then go take on Malkur. Once you have all four Cruxes, maybe hitch a ride on the Orakur time machine to see the distant future.
The problem with that, though...:
On the Karamiklan part: presumably BW never made "Dragon" sprites. That means you'd have to start those from scratch, assuming you even have the capability to "Add New Sprites" with the Editor that BW plans to release...
The second part may be doable though - there should at least be some kind of Orakur sprite, as it was used in Book II...

I'm surprised no one has mentioned this possible Mod yet:
On the map with Captain Morgan, there's some mention made of a "Ghost Isle" or a "Ghostly Isle" off the coast of Eastern Astral Range - that's ready made for a Mod, just like Ash Island was for Book I...

Re: Wanted Mods List

Posted: February 23rd, 2014, 3:07 pm
by Vroqren
IJBall wrote:
SpottedShroom wrote:
I want to make a mod where you can kill Karamiklan, take his crux (and loot) and then go take on Malkur. Once you have all four Cruxes, maybe hitch a ride on the Orakur time machine to see the distant future.
The problem with that, though...:
On the Karamiklan part: presumably BW never made "Dragon" sprites. That means you'd have to start those from scratch, assuming you even have the capability to "Add New Sprites" with the Editor that BW plans to release...
Eh - just use a human sprite for Karamiklan - they look about the same, right? :D

Re: Wanted Mods List

Posted: February 23rd, 2014, 3:10 pm
by severian
there`s a basilisk / salamandra sprite

just add HP and stats